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Gateway to the Sounds Within Us:

The Healing Secrets of the Breath and the Voice

For individuals, groups and teams in organizations and companies. The workshop time ranges from three to five hours, according to the needs of the people who order the workshop.

"I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music."                 
( Albert Einstein )
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About the workshop

Using voice, breathing and frequencies, together we will experience a deep connection to ourselves and others. We will learn to release emotions and connect to our inner strengths. We will undergo a healing experience on the different levels of our being. Diane Austin (PhD) is a pioneer in using the voice in music psychotherapy in the US. After studying with her personally for 3 years, Diane gave me her blessing to bring her unique method to Israel.


The voice is our personal musical instrument. Singing is one of the most effective ways to connect with inner emotions, associations and images. Using voice and breath allows us to connect to ourselves and to others. In this workshop we will learn to utilize our vocal and emotional potential and release the various emotions hidden in the body.


Find out more about Diane Austin

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Attending the workshop opened ways for me to use my voice in order to reach my inner self. As a singer, I use my voice to reach the audience, but this time the use of my voice was directed inwards, at me: To discover things within myself, perhaps to correct, to open and to recognize. Ofri presents a variety of ways to use voice and expression; Through them I continue to this day to deepen and understand more and more about my voice and about myself

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In the workshop we will connect to our life energy by:

Using harmonies and sound frequencies to create balance

Understanding the different components of sound according to Paul Newham

Use of breathing and voice

Use of Vocal holding technique & Free Associative Singing created by Professor Diane Austin.

Folk songs as a tool for tribal connection with the collective subconscious (Jung)

Ofri Eliaz

Gateway to the Sounds Within Us

Phone: 050-7992285

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